Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Negative Nelly

Well heres the lady that usually looks at the cup half full is being a little negative.  It is that time of year that my kiddos get there school pictures taken.
Here's exhibit A of my negative attitude.  Do you spot anything askew?  Oh my goodness, my poor son looks like he was born with one eye bigger than the other.  Who in their right mind while editing these pictures thought that looked ok?

Then we have exhibit B

My daughter somehow developed a sunburn or a deep tan like bronzer before her pictures.  Again, very disappointed!

Retakes day, where r you?  We'll get that fixed right up. 

Also today is freezing!  It is 58 degrees with the winds up near 20 mph.  Needless to say it is sweater weather.  
Just so I won't end on a negative note, I thought I would include a positive, quirky kinda quote!

Well, that's about this morning!
Make it a Great one, I know I plan to!!  :-)

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