Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Christmas Woes

Don't get me wrong, I love this time of year.  I just hate that I am not able to buy everything I want for my kids.  My son wants a new drum set and I am not able to buy it for him.  Oh how I would love too!  I would be mom of the year for sure!  

Instead it may be a lot of little things just to say that I bought something for them for Christmas.

That has left me a little down.  Am I over reacting, probably.  But I really wanted Christmas to be something magical for them.  For their eyes to get real huge and just thing that their dreams had come true. I know it is just me. They will be happy no matter what. 

What mom wants is just a new coffee maker!  I really, really want one that has a timer and will start and stop itself.  That would be awesome!

Preferably a Keurig! 

 A girl can dream!  :-)

Most of all I just want my kids happy.  I don't want any sad faces.

Tis' the season... 

One of my favorite picture at Christmas, years ago....

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