Saturday, June 1, 2013

Summer blooms...

As summer is now here, I started taking pictures of some of the plants around the yard and how they are doing.  I am hoping that they will begin to really bloom and do well.  I am pretty happy about the progress thus far....
How pretty is this hibiscus??  Tropical ~

My Gardenia Tree with pansies on the base of the planter.  

One of several plumbagos in the front yard

Bougainvillea with only a few blooms so far.  I think this plant probably requires more shade.
I love the petunias!  They are just thriving!

Last but not least, my hydrangea.  It needs a little more love, it is starting to wilt just a bit.  

And that's about it with the plants.  Hoping to add some more soon.  I just think a yard full of flowers make it look so much better! 

Until next time....

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