Thursday, November 27, 2014


It was a great Thanksgiving at my house!  I made a turkey that turned out awesome and I am so glad that I decided to do that!  I have always let someone else take care of the turkey.  I braved it today and it turned out great.  Here a few quick snapshots of the day.

This was such a candid shot taken by my son.  I was still in my pajamas so forgive me I wasn't ready for the paparazzi!  ha!  You ladies understand, can't say no to the little ones!  :-)

Yay!  Turkey turned out great!  

What a fun day!  I am so thankful for my family and that God has given me breath in my lungs.  Hoping that everyone has had a great Thanksgiving too!  :-)

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Christmas Woes

Don't get me wrong, I love this time of year.  I just hate that I am not able to buy everything I want for my kids.  My son wants a new drum set and I am not able to buy it for him.  Oh how I would love too!  I would be mom of the year for sure!  

Instead it may be a lot of little things just to say that I bought something for them for Christmas.

That has left me a little down.  Am I over reacting, probably.  But I really wanted Christmas to be something magical for them.  For their eyes to get real huge and just thing that their dreams had come true. I know it is just me. They will be happy no matter what. 

What mom wants is just a new coffee maker!  I really, really want one that has a timer and will start and stop itself.  That would be awesome!

Preferably a Keurig! 

 A girl can dream!  :-)

Most of all I just want my kids happy.  I don't want any sad faces.

Tis' the season... 

One of my favorite picture at Christmas, years ago....

Thursday, November 20, 2014


The temps have been in the low 60's this week!  Which to me is freezing.  I am so happy I was able to pick up this coat earlier this year.  

I love this jacket!  It's lined in red satin and so pretty!

Here's hoping it warns up some tomorrow!  

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Its my Birthday today!  No special plans except a dinner for me and my son.  Which is a present to me!  :-)

Almost in my 40's, not there quite yet!!  

Have a blessed day!!  :-)

Monday, November 17, 2014

Wintry days are coming...

Today it was rainy and nasty.  The day turned dark and I was ready to come home and relax in my warm home.  Which is exactly what I'm doing !  :-)

Christmas tree is lit!

Fireplace is on!  

And my nice warm slippers are on my feet!

All is well!  :-)

Of course missing my little snuggle bunnies which would make my house feel complete!  

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Imagine my surprise when I saw this...

At the local fair.  I had no idea the inspiration for a blardigan I owned came from these lambs. 

This is by far the most comfortable blardigan I have ever owned and keeps me so warm!

I'll be wearing mine quite a bit this winter.  I can't wait!  :-)

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Veterans Day!

What a great day we had yesterday with Veterans Day!  

We attended a parade which was very nicely organized.  No huge gaps which happen often in our town Christmas Parade.  

James and I spent the majority of the day trying to find something to help a skin condition he has on his knee.

James had a minor scratch on his arm that was just bugging him to.  

Then we played pool and ate at a local restaurant.  So very fun!  I love spending time with my son.  He makes me so proud!

Side note~ I tried out a new hat yesterday!  I love it!  It's a quick easy fix to a bad hair day.  

And that's about it!  Back to work today!  

Blessed Wednesday!  :-)

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Happy Halloween!

Scariest day of the year, besides my birthday!  Ha!  :-)

The kids had a great time trick or treating although my daughter opted not to wear her costume.  She was supposed to wear a black dress version of little red riding hood.  Hopefully I'll still get a picture of her in it soon.   

My son was a surgeon.  A pretty scary one.

After trick or treating we headed over to the High school football game.  The quality of these pictures is terrible.  We were standing just outside the stadium.  

And that's about it. We got home about 9:30 and we were exhausted.  

On to the next holiday.  Turkey Time!  :-)