I know, why start off a blog about laundry, right? Well, that is my reality right now. Today is all about getting laundry done so we can maintain seating on our sofa. Right now it is filled with laundry that needs to be hung up and put away. I had to sneak away from that pile just for a moment.
Today, was day #2 for my daughter's writing class. I am so happy for her! You may ask, why the excitement over a writing class? Because I have had a concern with her taking her time with her writing and also using the correct spelling. Although the emphasis on the class may not be on spelling, it is still helping her in the long run with becoming a pretty awesome writer. She mentioned last year that she wanted to start some type of newspaper or journal in her elementary school so this is one step closer. I told her this upcoming year in school, I would like to see a little more involvement in different groups and organizations on campus. She is only in 5th grade but it will only help her in the long run and it is never too early to start thinking about college, right?! : ) I know she has expressed interest in a run team at the school. Great for physical exercise, which is also important! Whatever she does, I know she will do well!
I bought some workbooks for James too to help with his math, letter sounds, sight words, etc. School is now about a month away so I want to get his mind going in that direction and have a good start to the year! My little guy will be staying back in 1st grade next year. We felt at this time, this would be the best thing for him. He has very little self confidence with his sight words, and his writing I think could definitely use some extra work. He did have an intervention teacher that worked with him in class this last year but he still required a little more time than he was given or could be given.
I am also encouraging independence with him. I think I have spoilt him by doing things for him that he wants me to do everything even still. You know as a mom you can blame yourself for every set back but in reality that is what life is about, you make mistakes and you learn from them.
Either way, I think next year for both of them is going to be so much different (at least I hope). Not really positive which different clubs or organizations are offered in 1st grade but I want to encourage James to participate as well. And I think that about sums it up, I want to encourage them to do their best and get involved and we will take one day at a time! I have some pretty awesome kiddos so I know they will do well.
Well, that is about it! I need to get back to that huge pile of laundry!
Have a great day!