I just got my fitbit in the mail!!!! This is one excited girl! Now I can start the new year off right with keeping track of how much calories I burn off in any given day and also my sleep patterns which is important with weight loss.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Sunday, December 16, 2012
New house pictures
The last couple of weeks have been hectic, hectic! We finally have all of our stuff moved into the new house and are ready for christmas. We were able to get some Christmas shopping in and are about 85% through.
I also want to share some pictures of our new home with Christmas decor. Still getting nick nacks here and there put away but for the most part I am done Christmas decorating at least.
I also want to share some pictures of our new home with Christmas decor. Still getting nick nacks here and there put away but for the most part I am done Christmas decorating at least.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
New Home
We are now in our new home and feeling so thankful! I will have to post pictures soon, such a cute house at such an affordable price!
Monday, November 5, 2012
Happy Birthday Kaylee!
Today is a post about my nieces birthday! I truly love this little 17 year old who just got her nose pierced. I can not believe it!
Happy Birthday to one of the most special girls in this world!
Happy Birthday to one of the most special girls in this world!
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Inspirational Thought
Thought I would share an inspirational picture and thought today! Serving God is truly an awesome, amazing experience. There are so many words to describe it so I thought I would just share a picture today. Enjoy!
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Thought today might be a good day for an update on my blog. Since the last post, several things seem to have went right! Thank you Lord! We can all use things that actually go right for a change.
First, we were able to find a home to move in too. Tom has a friend from church that has a son in law that had a home available to rent. So that has worked out really well. It is a cute house although not my first choice,. I was really wanting something a little closer to my work and also a more established neighborhood. One that I have always loved and close to my parents home which is important to me. But either way, as the man of the house he did feel like that was a good choice economically so that is where we are moving the middle of this month. It is always exciting when you move. A time to redecorate, make new friends in a new neighborhood, etc...
Second, I was able to get a job. It is at a place I used to work several years ago. Although it is part time that is what works for me for now.
On a happier note, today is Halloween! Which means my little ones will be out trick or treating. My son is going to be John Cena and my daughter is going to be a rockstar. How fun is that! My step sister will also be joining us this year with my 3 little neices and nephews. That should be a lot of fun!
Well, that is it for today. God is Good and I can always rest on that truth!
One more thing, Since I did recently start back working I have found a few outfits that I would love to buy soon! Somewhat trendy outfits but I do like!
First, we were able to find a home to move in too. Tom has a friend from church that has a son in law that had a home available to rent. So that has worked out really well. It is a cute house although not my first choice,. I was really wanting something a little closer to my work and also a more established neighborhood. One that I have always loved and close to my parents home which is important to me. But either way, as the man of the house he did feel like that was a good choice economically so that is where we are moving the middle of this month. It is always exciting when you move. A time to redecorate, make new friends in a new neighborhood, etc...
Second, I was able to get a job. It is at a place I used to work several years ago. Although it is part time that is what works for me for now.
On a happier note, today is Halloween! Which means my little ones will be out trick or treating. My son is going to be John Cena and my daughter is going to be a rockstar. How fun is that! My step sister will also be joining us this year with my 3 little neices and nephews. That should be a lot of fun!
Well, that is it for today. God is Good and I can always rest on that truth!
One more thing, Since I did recently start back working I have found a few outfits that I would love to buy soon! Somewhat trendy outfits but I do like!
Friday, September 14, 2012
Challenging Days ahead...
Oh my goodness, where would one even start. I am taking a break from my house cleaning to update my blog. I havn't updated in some time because there was nothing that was impressed upon my heart to write about and definitely not put on a public blog! Ha! I love one of the people that I follow on the blogs, her page is Kellys Korner and I tell you what. If ever there was a woman that I would love to emulate, it would be her. Although I am sure she has faults and is by no means perfect, I think I could learn a thing or two from her.
Well, One thing is really bothering me lately is that we are having to move out of our home because it has been foreclosed upon. It was a string of events that led us to this point and I accept full responsibility on not budgeting our money the way that it should be. I certainly can't blame that on anyone but myself. Today can be a fresh start though! I have alreaded uploaded quicken on my computer and am ready to go!
Besides looking for a home, I am looking for a job. Either of which are not easy to come by. It seems the houses that I do like have either been already rented out or we did not qualify on the application, oh my goodness. Could something go right for a change? I certainly don't want to sound negative, I try to look at the positive but this has really got me wondering, Lord what are you doing? I know he always has a plan and it is not always ours!
The job situation leaves me in bewilderment as well. I have always worked full time and have enjoyed it. Applications and resumes have been sent to numerous jobs and nothing! Sometimes not even a call back or anything, My dream has always been to be a stay at home mom and take care of the house and meals, etc.. Unfortunately, it seems it comes at a time that I actually do need to be working so we can afford a home. So realistically I need to be out there bringing home some money but maybe God has another plan for me. Maybe it is to be a stay at home mom and it is just taking me a little bit more time to figure that out.
Either way, today is more of a day to vent than anything but sometimes that is all I need!
Well, back to life...if anyone does happen to read my blog..please keep me in your thoughts and prayers! I really need them!
Well, One thing is really bothering me lately is that we are having to move out of our home because it has been foreclosed upon. It was a string of events that led us to this point and I accept full responsibility on not budgeting our money the way that it should be. I certainly can't blame that on anyone but myself. Today can be a fresh start though! I have alreaded uploaded quicken on my computer and am ready to go!
Besides looking for a home, I am looking for a job. Either of which are not easy to come by. It seems the houses that I do like have either been already rented out or we did not qualify on the application, oh my goodness. Could something go right for a change? I certainly don't want to sound negative, I try to look at the positive but this has really got me wondering, Lord what are you doing? I know he always has a plan and it is not always ours!
The job situation leaves me in bewilderment as well. I have always worked full time and have enjoyed it. Applications and resumes have been sent to numerous jobs and nothing! Sometimes not even a call back or anything, My dream has always been to be a stay at home mom and take care of the house and meals, etc.. Unfortunately, it seems it comes at a time that I actually do need to be working so we can afford a home. So realistically I need to be out there bringing home some money but maybe God has another plan for me. Maybe it is to be a stay at home mom and it is just taking me a little bit more time to figure that out.
Either way, today is more of a day to vent than anything but sometimes that is all I need!
Well, back to life...if anyone does happen to read my blog..please keep me in your thoughts and prayers! I really need them!
Sunday, August 19, 2012
SUYL - Front Porches
Linking in with Kelly's Korner this morning to show pictures of our front porches. My front porch is nothing to get excited about at all. I really would like to add a fresh layer of paint and maybe tile the front concrete slab, etc.... So anyhoo this is what it looks like right now..hohum!
What is nice though, is during the different holidays, I add a wreath to the front door and plants to make it look more warm and cozy for the holidays!
Also, in case you noticed..there is one lion to the left in the picture. There used to be two but the kids were playing with the one and he cracked and eventually broke. So now have just the one...kinda uneven but maybe I will find another to replace it with.
Hope you enjoyed my front porch! :) Stop by again!
What is nice though, is during the different holidays, I add a wreath to the front door and plants to make it look more warm and cozy for the holidays!
Also, in case you noticed..there is one lion to the left in the picture. There used to be two but the kids were playing with the one and he cracked and eventually broke. So now have just the one...kinda uneven but maybe I will find another to replace it with.
Hope you enjoyed my front porch! :) Stop by again!
Monday, August 6, 2012
Wall Display
Hello! I am linking in with Kelly's Korner to show different ways to display pictures on the walls.
This wall is for pictures of my kids. Once a year on Christmas we get their picture taken together and this is the wall that they all go on...It is starting to become a tad bit cramped so we may need to look at different options this year.
These are vintage type pictures of my kids and I just set them on a shelf and it looks simple but clean.
I am sure you all have seen these, plate racks or picture display. Another neat way to display pictures throughout the home.
This is just another shot of how we display some of our pictures...in my daughters room we put up a picture and had a neat little quote underneath. It says, "Once upon a time, there was a princess".
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
More Random Pictures
More pictures of my kids out by the pool
Our little princess
James trying to look serious in his "hot tub"
Our little princess
James trying to look serious in his "hot tub"
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Random Summer Pics
There are some days where no topic comes to mind to post on the blog so thought I would share some random pics of summer time!

A VBS Crafts project. I love this, Sue made it and it is a stained glass type of picture. I just thought this was so creative.
The kids hanging out, quite literally just outside the window. Of course they wanted me to take their picure. They are becoming little hams when it comes to the camera.
Another picture
Sue chose behind the TV to hide for hide and seek with James
Here she is again trying to squeeze her way out.
And of course Snowflake. This is how he spends the majority of his days.
And that is about it today. It was a lazy summer day with not a lot going on!
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Heaps of Laundry
I know, why start off a blog about laundry, right? Well, that is my reality right now. Today is all about getting laundry done so we can maintain seating on our sofa. Right now it is filled with laundry that needs to be hung up and put away. I had to sneak away from that pile just for a moment.
Today, was day #2 for my daughter's writing class. I am so happy for her! You may ask, why the excitement over a writing class? Because I have had a concern with her taking her time with her writing and also using the correct spelling. Although the emphasis on the class may not be on spelling, it is still helping her in the long run with becoming a pretty awesome writer. She mentioned last year that she wanted to start some type of newspaper or journal in her elementary school so this is one step closer. I told her this upcoming year in school, I would like to see a little more involvement in different groups and organizations on campus. She is only in 5th grade but it will only help her in the long run and it is never too early to start thinking about college, right?! : ) I know she has expressed interest in a run team at the school. Great for physical exercise, which is also important! Whatever she does, I know she will do well!
I bought some workbooks for James too to help with his math, letter sounds, sight words, etc. School is now about a month away so I want to get his mind going in that direction and have a good start to the year! My little guy will be staying back in 1st grade next year. We felt at this time, this would be the best thing for him. He has very little self confidence with his sight words, and his writing I think could definitely use some extra work. He did have an intervention teacher that worked with him in class this last year but he still required a little more time than he was given or could be given.
I am also encouraging independence with him. I think I have spoilt him by doing things for him that he wants me to do everything even still. You know as a mom you can blame yourself for every set back but in reality that is what life is about, you make mistakes and you learn from them.
Either way, I think next year for both of them is going to be so much different (at least I hope). Not really positive which different clubs or organizations are offered in 1st grade but I want to encourage James to participate as well. And I think that about sums it up, I want to encourage them to do their best and get involved and we will take one day at a time! I have some pretty awesome kiddos so I know they will do well.
Well, that is about it! I need to get back to that huge pile of laundry!
Have a great day!
Today, was day #2 for my daughter's writing class. I am so happy for her! You may ask, why the excitement over a writing class? Because I have had a concern with her taking her time with her writing and also using the correct spelling. Although the emphasis on the class may not be on spelling, it is still helping her in the long run with becoming a pretty awesome writer. She mentioned last year that she wanted to start some type of newspaper or journal in her elementary school so this is one step closer. I told her this upcoming year in school, I would like to see a little more involvement in different groups and organizations on campus. She is only in 5th grade but it will only help her in the long run and it is never too early to start thinking about college, right?! : ) I know she has expressed interest in a run team at the school. Great for physical exercise, which is also important! Whatever she does, I know she will do well!
I bought some workbooks for James too to help with his math, letter sounds, sight words, etc. School is now about a month away so I want to get his mind going in that direction and have a good start to the year! My little guy will be staying back in 1st grade next year. We felt at this time, this would be the best thing for him. He has very little self confidence with his sight words, and his writing I think could definitely use some extra work. He did have an intervention teacher that worked with him in class this last year but he still required a little more time than he was given or could be given.
I am also encouraging independence with him. I think I have spoilt him by doing things for him that he wants me to do everything even still. You know as a mom you can blame yourself for every set back but in reality that is what life is about, you make mistakes and you learn from them.
Either way, I think next year for both of them is going to be so much different (at least I hope). Not really positive which different clubs or organizations are offered in 1st grade but I want to encourage James to participate as well. And I think that about sums it up, I want to encourage them to do their best and get involved and we will take one day at a time! I have some pretty awesome kiddos so I know they will do well.
Well, that is about it! I need to get back to that huge pile of laundry!
Have a great day!
Saturday, July 14, 2012
SUYL - Master Bedroom
Show Us Your Life - Master Bedroom
Aren't Master Bedrooms fun to decorate? I know I love decorating mine! I think I am happy with how it is now though I would love to paint the walls, not sure which color yet.
That's about it!
Aren't Master Bedrooms fun to decorate? I know I love decorating mine! I think I am happy with how it is now though I would love to paint the walls, not sure which color yet.
Entering into the bedroom. I picked up the window pane (on the dresser) at a yardsale, I jus tthought that was such a neat find.
I love my bed! Especially the goose down comforter, talk about never wanting to wake up when I go to sleep! This bed is the definition of comfy!
I have attempted to try and collect Shabby Chic decor for my dresser. I love Shabby Chic!
A different view.
This is an old picture frame that I spray painted and made into a chalkboard. It really does not have a home yet but it will soon! I wrote on it, Beach House. I just love the beach and love the thought of living in a beach house!
That's about it!
Friday, July 13, 2012
SUYL - Mantles
Today, the focus was on mantles. Needless to say, there is absolutely nothing exciting about my mantle. Very minimal.
I love this fireplace! We purchased it at Sam's club several years ago (it is so heavy).
Though I will never win any interior design awards for this piece, it works for me! haha!
Now here a few pictures of mantles that I would absolutely love to have!
This picture just reminds me of what I love most, greenery and it looks like there is plenty of it! haha! Love this one too though!
Okay, that is it for today..hope you liked my mantle!
I love this fireplace! We purchased it at Sam's club several years ago (it is so heavy).
Though I will never win any interior design awards for this piece, it works for me! haha!
Now here a few pictures of mantles that I would absolutely love to have!
The picture above just makes me think of warmth during the fall months. Absolutely love!
This picture just reminds me of what I love most, greenery and it looks like there is plenty of it! haha! Love this one too though!
Okay, that is it for today..hope you liked my mantle!
Thursday, July 12, 2012
SUYL - Bathrooms (Guest and Master)
On one of the websites that I follow, Kellys Korner, they are featuring different rooms throughout the house. They call it SUYL (Show Us Your Life), I have been a tad bit behind on this so I am slowly trying to catch up.
Today, the focus is on bathrooms.
The first picture is the Guest bathroom, also known as the kids bathroom.
It is a very eclectic bathroom, not a specific theme going on here. My original idea was spa bath/retreat. Okay, well enjoy!
Today, the focus is on bathrooms.
The first picture is the Guest bathroom, also known as the kids bathroom.
This bathroom was initially designed to be both Finding Nemo and Frogs theme. It has been this theme for about 6 years now so I probably need to do a little updating.
Some fun appliqués above the bathtub.
This bathroom is very minimal and so kid friendly. I just love it!
And below are pictures of the Master Bathroom. Although not a lot to rant and rave about, thought I would take pictures even still.
It is a very eclectic bathroom, not a specific theme going on here. My original idea was spa bath/retreat. Okay, well enjoy!
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Go Wolves!
In anticipation of football season, I have purchased a new mommy bag! I love mommy bags because I pack them for all the events with different things that the kids may need..band-aids, sunblock, chapstick, wipes, pretty much anything that you can think of should an emergency arise. The tote that I have purchased is from thirty one. I love this company because it is based off of Proverbs 31, this scripture is about a Godly woman. Here is the basis of the scripture, A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies.
Here is a picture of the tote. The tote will actually come in Navy Blue and will say "Smith Family" on it in white trim.
That's about it today!
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Living Room Pics
I had mentioned in another post about people taking pictures of their homes and posting it on their blogs. This is something that I love because of all the decorator tips that you can pick up.
Today, I am posting pictures of my living room, this is actually known as my prayer room and does not get half as much use as it should.
Today, I am posting pictures of my living room, this is actually known as my prayer room and does not get half as much use as it should.
View looking across from formal dining room. My dad actually built this dividing wall with french doors. Originally, the home was an open floor plan from the formal living looking into the dining room.
Picture looking in from the french doors
I rarely shop at Steinmart but I found this pillow with the S on it and just had to get it, plus it was on sale.
I have always loved the picture of the man and woman dancing on the beach.
Unfortunately, the pillows are covering a few boxes of "stuff". Normally there would be books on the bottom shelf. My nick nack shelf
My husband actually built this curio cabinet for my birthday one year. I love it, it will always be a family treasure.
This is the backside of the french doors. Although not all the way finished, I love this color yellow. I would love to paint the whole room this color.
Okay, well that about covers my living room. I hope you enjoyed it!
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