Lately, I have really been finding myself questioning what is God's purpose for my life. I have always had these thoughts of grandeur in my mind of how God wants to use me. The thought of becoming an encouraging speaker to thousands, opening up my own business, writing a book. I have always thought God is going to use me in a big way and I have even had a word of how I would be an encouragement to other's ,so to think that it would be anything less than above is unthinkable.
The thought of doing anything less than above was always pushed right out of my mind because I felt like I would not be fulfilled unless it was something of magnitude. But then the Lord laid a scripure on my heart this week. "To not only be hearers of the word but doers". My thought was you know I need to start doing something even if it is cleaning the church or serving in the soup kitchen. I currently volunteer in the nursery but maybe I could involve myself somewhere else also. Another scripture popped into my head when I thought about doing something 'menial' at church. "Whatever you do to the least of these, you do unto me". It was God revealing to me once again that no matter what it is I do,it is for God and that it the sole reason that I would do anything. These are scriptures that I have heard and known of for years but when they are given to you in a season that you need them, they truly feel like the first time you have heard them spoken because it now takes on a whole new meaning.
My goal this week is to get involved in some other capacity at church or another charitable resource, I am thinking of a pregnancy center in our town. I challenge others out there to allow God to use you for his Glory!
By the way, we went to see High School Musical III today at the movie theatre. Do you know, we spent close to $60.00 at this movie theatre? Can I please tell you how long it will be before I can bring myself to watch another movie at the theatre again anytime soon? Granted, we did not make the best decisions of what and how we bought our food so that did hurt us. We bought two kids packs which included a small drink, popcorn, and skittles for $11.00. Then Tom went back to purchase our (parents) food which was a large bucket of popcorn and two drinks for $22.00. Mind you, I spent $26.00 for the tickets alone (for the four of us).
Aside from the money spent, we had a great time. The kids really enjoyed the movie. The whole experience was truly made by the girls that sat behind us. They were screaming all the way at the mere sight of Troy Bolton. It was hilarious and we loved it!
We also bought our pumpkin today, we will have to carve it probably tomorrow since Halloween is Friday and all. Nothing like waiting until the last minute.
Praise God for another day!
God is truly good!
Also, I wanted to post a picture of our clothes tree. Because if I post it, I will truly have an incentive to post an after picture of how it looks once it is all cleaned up. This is such a catchall for our shoes, backpacks, coats and whatever else we can possibly find to stash. I will plan to post an after picture tomorrow when I have time to work on this project. Stay tuned!